Ah, that's better. \nShit, you can't believe you almost went on with your day without your glasses. You're nearly blind without them, and good thing you didn't forget to grab them. The world around you comes back into focus, the blurred reality becoming a little clearer as the lenses correct your awful vision. Now you can clearly see [[Delphine|Delphine]], still mostly asleep, but if you spoke too loudly, you'd probably wake her. She hasn't been sleeping well lately, and neither have you.
You cough and wheeze into your palm, but something's gone horribly wrong in your body, you can just <i>feel</i> it.
Your eyes begin to droop, and you <i>have</i> started to feel more tired and ill these days. <i>No, sleep is good</i>, you think, snuggling back up into your girlfriend's shoulder, ignoring the cough sliding itchily up your throat.\n\nEnd of Storyline. \nMaybe you should [[go back to the beginning and try for a different storyline|Start]]?
You are \n<i>such</i>\nan \nidiot.\n\nYou forgot your fuckin' glasses!\nThat was a hella stupid decision on your part.\n<p>Oh well, continue on with your day.</p>\n<p>But you do realize that because you forgot your glasses, you're not going to be able to see anything clearly, right? Shit, too late for you now. Today is totally going to suck, you already know it. You can just <i>feel</i> it, and that's not just the throat numbing sensation slowly burning up your lungs and windpipe.</p>\n<p>[[Damn, run to the bathroom, quick! Otherwise you'll get it everywhere|The Bathroom]]</p>\n<p>[[Fuck that! Your day is going rough enough anyways, what's swallowing a bit of blood and lung tissue anyways?|Fuck, you're screwed HAHAHA]]</p>
Now, how many of us are there? \nWell, so far you've found out about 9 others. \nAlison, Sarah, Rachel, Beth, Helena, Danielle, Janika, Aryanna, Katja, and you. \nThough some of them are dead (okay, about half of them are dead, and unfortunately, you might be heading on that path sooner than later, to your dismay), you have no idea how many there are of you total.\nThe answer to that is probably close to hella, you think wryly. \n\nAnyways, you should probably get on with [[your day|get out of bed]].\nWell. You are sleeping on top of your girlfriend, and she is looking quite cute and comfy in her sleep. No wait, she's drooling. Still, her fluffy hair is doing that thing you like, and you could just, yunno, [[go back to bed|go back to sleep]].
You stretch, listening to what feels like every single joint in your body produce pops and cracks. \n\n[[Get your day started!|Forget your glasses, you are so stupid]]\n\n[[Put your glasses on, stupid!|Put glasses on]]
Cosima POV: \nYou wake up tangled in your sheets, bleary eyed and worn out form a incredibly long night of worrying about your, erm, [[sisters|CloneClub]]. Oh, and [[your future|Cosima]] too. \n\nAnyways, you should probably get on with [[your day|get out of bed]].\nWell. You are sleeping on top of your girlfriend, and she is looking quite cute and comfy in her sleep. No wait, she's drooling. Still, her fluffy hair is doing that thing you like, and you could just, yunno, [[go back to bed|go back to sleep]].\n
<p>You crouch over the toilet bowl, heaving and wheezing. The globs of gelatinous blood that ooze into the gleaming porcelain bowl frighten you. The coughing and pain have only gotten worse and worse, but you're not quite ready to admit that you might have to go to DYAD to <i>maybe</i> get a solution.</p>\n<p>While you do have Delphine's word that she's going to help you (and she's trying her best at this point, just like you), you're not quite sure about how much either of you can do. Days after days have been spent searching fruitlessly for a cure that always seems to be jusy <i>barely</i> out of reach. It's extremely frustrating, and some days the only thing that gets you through the night is Delphine's sweet, promising looks. Okay, maybe the mindblowing sex you have with her too, but whateves, that's pretty obvs. Though you may not have any guarantee that she's actually on your side, you can only hope at this point. Without her, you'd most certainly be dead already, unfortunately.</p>
SO. \nDelphine. \nThe gorgeous, witty, intelligent, French girl you've fallen in love with.\nDid you mention she's your monitor too?\nYeah, well, she's that, and you have no idea if she's even still monitoring you, or helping you, or what. Anyhow, you've pretty much made up from your earlier fights, but something still feels a little off. Maybe it's just the feeling of your lungs trying to escape through your throat that feels off.\n\n<p>Yeah, that's probably it. Whateves, </p>\n\n<p>[[Go back to the explanation of the Clone Club|CloneClub]]</p>\n\n<p>[[Go back to the bio of you (Cosima)!|Cosima]]</p>\n\n<p>[[Go back to putting on your glasses, dork!|Put glasses on]]</p>\n\n\n
Hey. \n<p>That's you.</p> \n<p>Cosima Niehaus.</p>\n<p>324B21.</p>\n\n<p>Just a few months ago, you thought you were finally going places with your life. Starting the school year afresh and new, getting your Ph.D soonish, and you knew you were cute enough to maybe get a nice, lovely girl or boyfriend. That was all shattered by the entrance of your [[genetic identicals|CloneClub]]into your life. Man, that kinda screwed shit up.</p>\n<p>Fast forward to the present.</p>\n<p>Now, you've got a most-likely terminal lung disease, a [[smokin' hot French girlfriend|Delphine]], and some "sisters".</p>\n<p>Huh.</p> \n<p>Not quite what you were hoping for.</p>\n<p>[[Go back|Start]]</p>
Just One, I'm A Few?
<a href= "glynnbearboo.tumblr.com"> Glynnbearboo </a>\nFind me on tumblr! <a href="glynnbearboo.tumblr.com"> glynnbearboo.tumblr.com </a>\n
Yeah, your sisters. Well, Alison kinda hates the term "clones", but it's what you are, so... Whatever. \nAnyways, your genetic identicals all look like you, but they're so... different. Sarah, new to the CloneClub, but after Beth, she really threw a wrench into the whole clone thing. Now you're sick with some fuckin' degenerative lung disease that has plagued other clones, Sarah's daughter is missing, and Alison has signed her life away to the DYAD institute. Oh, and you're technically all genetic property. \nOH, did you mention that your [[girlfriend|Delphine]] also somehow found you? In Canada? She pretty much followed you from Minneasota, without you telling her your plans. You know she probably also knows way more about the whole clone thing than you do, and has access to way more as well. Shit. \nThe whole clone thing is kind of a super mess. \nHow many of us are [[there|Just one I'm a few]]?